
Optica add border to text
Optica add border to text

optica add border to text
  1. #Optica add border to text how to
  2. #Optica add border to text download
If I could somehow use that, I wouldn’t even need a text box. The element that adds the text at the bottom border of our design, fieldset:nth-of-type (3)>legend, is upside-down because of its rotated
parent element.

So the question is, how do I apply a text Style with a border to the rectangle?īy the way, in my desperate searches through everything in the right-hand toolbar, I found the perfect “thing” I don’t know what to call it – a Style, a Text Adjustment?, I don’t even remember where I found it: “Flat Ribbon White”. In fact, the Stroke option at the top isn’t clickable either is “Stroke weight” or the three options at the bottom. I imagine the most significant for my purpose is Color or Color Properties, but when I open that, everything I choose is reflected in the text itself, not the box surrounding it. I left-click and get various options, more or less mimicking what’s in the Text Adjustments window. The example below shows that the background color and the heading h1 get transparent as we keep the opacity value, i.e. If we want the heading and its background color to get more transparent, we can decrease opacity value.

#Optica add border to text how to

But I can’t figure out how to apply anything to the box itself. Set the background-color as cc33ff and opacity value 0.4 after selecting the transparent class in CSS. I click the arrow at the bottom of the Text Adjustments window and use that to “choose” the text box: it brightens and shows 8 points around its circumference so I’m pretty sure it’s active. I apply the font, fill and stroke colors – all good.īut then it gets problematic: “You need to apply a text Style with a border to either the text itself or, believe it or not, the rectangle you've drawn behind your title in order to color and widen this stroke.” I believe it, I just don’t know how to do it! I click Style and choose a font that includes a border: “Myriad Bold 60 Medium Border White Black”. I double-click the text box ( "Classic/Default/Default Text"), put it in a video timeline above the clip, double-click, and get the Adjustments options on the right. I also assume it isn’t critical which of the text boxes I choose, just that the Style includes a border. I make an edit, then to add “a border (stroke) to your text, you need to first go to the Style tab on the Title Adjustments panel…” I assume that means the right-side panel and the “Text” tab.

#Optica add border to text download

You can view the animation online via the "Online Animation" option, and you can download the animation with a border via the "Save As" button.Okay, I’ll go through it step by step and hopefully you can show me where and how I’ve screwed up. The transparent border is best paired with the "Outer Border" mode as it can be used to add padding and extra empty space around the GIF. Use the special word "transparent" to make the border transparent. To change the width of the border, you can use the border-width option and to change the color of the border, you can use the color picker. For example, you can draw a one-sided border by selecting just one checkbox, or select the opposite side checkboxes (top-bottom or left-right) to add create a two-sided border, or if you choose two adjacent borders (such as top-left, top-right, bottom-left, or bottom-right), you'll get a corner-border effect. By default, the border is added to all sides of GIF frames but you can also control individual top, left, right, and bottom borders through the checkboxes in the options.

optica add border to text

The "Inner Border" mode leaves the GIF dimensions unchanged but overwrites the pixels in the GIF animation.

optica add border to text

For example, if the GIF has the size 200×200 and the border size is 20, then the new GIF will have the size 220×220. The size of the GIF increases exactly by the border thickness. In this mode, GIF pixels near the edge are overwritten and new pixels are added around the GIF.

optica add border to text

Half of the line goes on the outside of frames and half of the line goes inside. The "Middle Border" mode draws a line exactly on the edge of frames. For example, if the input GIF is 200×200 pixels and the border size is 15 pixels, then the output GIF will be 230×230 pixels. This mode increases the dimensions of the GIF by twice the border width (because the borders go on all sides of the animation). The "Outer Border" mode leaves the animation as-is and draws a line around the animation frames. When adding a border around an animation, its dimensions can be either enlarged or preserved, depending on the border drawing mode. You can surround the animation with a line of any thickness and color, including a transparent line. Line arrangement specifies where the borders go. Borders have three components: where they go, what they look like, and how much space is left around them. In addition, a shadow can be set for the whole table. Here you can set borders for a whole table or groups of cells within a table. This is a browser-based program that adds a border to static and animated GIFs. On the Table Format dialog box, select the Borders tab (Figure 6).

Optica add border to text